Crankie Workshop Community Art Project
Crankie scroll/workhop/video commissioned by Kilsby Boat Theatre.
The Crankie Workshop encouraged groups of kids, or adults, to dive deep into their imaginations and help create elements for the Crankie Scroll to tell a story on a specific theme. I was invited to Oxford’s Science Wonder Garden Party in collaboration with Kilsby Theatre Boat project. We made shadow puppets, painted canal folk art, potato stamped horse hooves, sketched life through portholes and designed boats from the future. The art was collected up and made into a final scroll telling the story of the Oxford Canal, past, present and future, showcasing the participant’s artwork created on the day. I then filmed the performance, adding a song/soundscape and the production was accessed online for all workshoppers!.
Photos of the scroll making process and workshop
I put together a ‘making of’ video to show the workshoppers how I incorporated their creations into the finished scroll.