Inktober 2022 Week 4: I actually completed the damn thing
For the first time since giving the Inktober thing a go, I actually completed the damn thing. 31 days of drawing, editing and posting a concept. The final week of originals are below. My intention now is to cherry pick any ideas and characters I think could be developed into some sort of narrative and finally, FINALLY get a real start on some book pages. I’m really chuffed to have stuck to the daily deadline and although I don’t expect every piece to mean anything or be of future relevance, the month of crazy process has been great. It has invoked emergency without depriving room for creative thinking (I hope). And, other than a sore hand from hours of scribbling, And a few late night finishing things, Ive somehow squeezed it into my working week/weekends. I now have a new catalogue of images to play with, whether they be a spring board for an entirely new piece, or I create a collage-like amalgamation of characters. I’m excited and as always a little disturbed by what came out and shall be working through the winter on tying together this dark surreal world filled with masked freakoids pining to be understood…..
Final week of bonkers video art to portray my Inktober daily drawings: