Women What Wobulate
Happy #internationalwomensday
One of my heroes! The blitz-scape of Delia Derbyshire’s Coventry upbringing helped shape her fantastic sonic palette. A pioneer in electronic music during a period when ‘women don’t work for music studios’, Delia stuck to her guns (or magnetic tapes). Her enthusiasm for the theory and perception of sound; modes and tunings, and the communication of moods using purely electronic sources had her enjoying a golden age of creation as studio manager for the BBC radiophonic workshop. Her most famous composition was the Dr Who theme, which was credited solely to Ron Grainer, but recorded and realised by Delia. Any woman who can boast skill in the field of ‘Wobulators’ is bloomin’ well worth celebrating.
First time I’ve ever drawn a green lampshade alongside a goddess.
Procreate timelapse